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  • Writer's pictureLisa-Marie

Coffee & Mushrooms

Pregnancy was one of the happiest times for me. I loved being pregnant, and would love to have more children to experience pregnancy again. I say this because I had a fairly easy pregnancy. Yes, I spent the first three months being extremely nauseous, leading to some first trimester weight loss. And I had one bout of terrible (so called) morning sickness that lasted all day.

The first trimester also brought along some interesting aversions and cravings. Now, don't get me wrong, mushrooms are great, they're my favourite. But even I was left stumped when all I ever wanted to eat was mushrooms! In fact, mushroom sauce and yellow basmati rice were my favourite combination. I would get home from work and eat that as a snack! I also always wanted crumbed mushrooms, the ones my dad makes, in particular. It was crazy, I love meat, yet I stayed away from it for much of my first trimester because well, mushrooms. With that being said, meat wasn't the only aversion I had, my saddest aversion was my sudden disdain of coffee! I usually live on the stuff, but at that point, the smell alone made me want to run for the hills. However, as my second trimester began all of that disappeared. Thank goodness!

At 12 weeks we got to see our little love for the first time, and I've never seen Gersh that excited in my life! The appointment was with my new gynae and we were a little nervous beforehand, but as the appointment went on we both relaxed and felt so much comfort with our decision to change doctors. Dr Belete Woldu has an excellent bedside manner, he is gentle, calm and is genuinely interested in your pregnancy. He was as excited as we were about baba, so excited that he told us he was almost certain we'd be having a baby girl (which was confirmed at my 18 week appointment). We were both elated, as we had a feeling we were having a baby girl.

After our 12 week appointment we announced my pregnancy on Instagram and Facebook, and our excitement was met with so much love and joy from our family and friends. At 14 weeks I noticed a little bump and after that I started growing quite rapidly!

21 weeks brought on little kicks that startled me, but also made me super happy and emotional, since it was like Shelby's way of communicating with me. And wow, she loved it when I would rub my tummy and say, "mommy's pretty princess". Funny enough, that still makes her excited and smile the biggest smile! However, at this point I also experienced my first bout of Braxton Hicks. Boy, oh, boy. Those suck! It happened for the first time on a Sunday morning and Gersh, of course, was ready to take me to the ER! Some people told me it's too early, and I must be imagining things, but my friend at church told me something that all mommies should remember. She told me that each pregnancy is different, and that I shouldn't focus on what others say or have experienced, as their experience was unique to them and their pregnancy. I found that so useful and it really stuck with me (even though I tend to forget sometimes), even after pregnancy.

At 25 weeks Gersh and I decided to go for a special, 4D scan at Little Gram in Durbanville. Rezah, who owns the studio, is incredibly patient, loving and spiritual. Her studio gave us that same sense of peace that we felt at Dr Woldu's offices, so much so that we knew these private scans were what we needed. As the scan progressed we not only got to see our little lady in more detail, we also had blessings spoken over her life and we even had a glimpse of what her love language is. And yes, Rezah hit the nail on the head! Little Shelby's love language has always been physical touch since her days in momma's womb. She was always lying against the placenta or holding onto the umbilical cord. Now, she always needs to feel either your face or chest while she drinks her bottle. Or we have to gently rub her back while we put her to sleep.

We enjoyed this appointment so much, that we decided to go for a second time at 32 weeks. This time we took along the whole family! There was not a dry eye in the room. Our parents could see their granddaughter squirming about in my womb. They saw how she yawned, sucked her little thumb and cuddled up to the placenta to fall asleep.

Since the start of my pregnancy I really wanted a milk bath shoot, so at 33 weeks my sister's very talented boyfriend took the most stunning photos of Gersh and I. The shoot made me feel so beautiful as beneath those tired eyes I could see the pure happiness and love between Gersh and I. And so this is my one recommendation to all parents-to-be, have that maternity shoot! Also, I'm glad we did this shoot when we did because by the following week my rings no longer fit and my feet grew so much fatter and bigger!

35 weeks rolled on and I had a beautiful baby shower organised by my family. The day didn't go as planned, but Gersh and I enjoyed every minute of it. At 36 weeks my lovely colleagues gave me a surprise baby shower after school, and wow, that was so beautiful too. It was an afternoon filled with so much love! A week later my class planned another one. I have never felt so incredibly blessed and I was so appreciative of all of the amazing people in my life.

By 37 weeks my maternity leave began and at this point I was finally tired of being tired, swollen and big! I just wanted baby to be born already. I just couldn't wait any longer, the movements in my belly were becoming uncomfortable, sleeping was such an effort (especially since preggy ladies can only lie on their left side - I hate lying on my left side), walking was an effort, doing pretty much anything at that point was just an effort. I couldn't even control the duck waddle anymore! I had my final appointment then and Dr Woldu said that the next time he sees me he'll be delivering my baby. He wasn't wrong there.

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