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  • Writer's pictureLisa-Marie

That time we went to Mambos...

In my 39th week of pregnancy I had had enough of being pregnant. I was tired, I was waddling, I was pretty much fed up and so ready to meet the busy little life growing inside of me. In fact, I had tried some of the suggestions to bring on labour - I ate spicy foods, did squats every day from 36 weeks, drank raspberry leaf tea throughout the day (in late pregnancy only) and went for very long walks. The Tuesday of my 39th week, I went to the loo and had my 'bloody show', but being a first time mama I thought it was actually just my hemorrhoids. Thing is, I never even had any hemorrhoids during pregnancy. I blame my pregnancy brain for missing that one! But I was alone at home and wasn't sure what to make of it, so I messaged my mom and she asked for a picture. I, of course, had already flushed the toilet, because it never crossed my mind to take a picture. Because, well, eew.

The week went on and I had no pains, I just continued to be incredibly uncomfortable. The Friday night I felt loads of cramps and I was bouncing on my exercise ball, as Gersh massaged my lower back. The bouncing helped a lot. It was on this evening that he declared that his daughter would be born on Sunday, 3 March. I just brushed him off, but the next day I realised that he may just be right!

When I woke up on the Saturday morning I felt super crampy. That Saturday Gersh had an appointment for church, he had a course he was just starting and that was the morning that I was most crampy! So I decided to hop in a warm shower, I washed my hair and then got back onto our bed with loads of pillows and I put on some series, while he went off to the course. He wanted to stay home, but I said I'd be fine. Besides, my parents were home with me too, so I was all good. However, as the day progressed, the pains got worse and I decided to take a warm bath to ease the pain a bit. I was lying there for the longest time and then needed some help getting out, since I was huge at that point! After that I felt better, and I spent the rest of the day on my mom's couch with pillows behind my back and under my feet. My mom would just pop her head in every time to check on me. By late afternoon I was wanting Gersh to come home and I was becoming super needy. When he got home I bounced on the ball again while he massaged my back, then I took another shower - where I did some squats - and then I got into bed and did my hair. I had to, because you know, apparently a new mother can't meet her newborn with bushy hair!

I slept like a baby that night, God knew what was coming my way the next day! I woke up the next morning feeling crampy with loads of pressure in my nether region. In fact, it felt like there was a water balloon there that was just waiting to pop! I had another shower, all this during water restrictions, might I add. I do apologise. Again, I felt better after the shower, so I got dressed for church. Gersh loaded his guitar and amp into the car, along with the hospital bags for Shelby and I. While I sat on a towel on the front seat, just in case my water broke.

I never sat throughout that church service, I spent most of the time walking outside or in the bathroom. I missed most of Praise and Worship! After the service my in-laws asked if we'd like to go for lunch. Gersh swiftly announced that we'd be going to the Spur closest to our hospital. And so off we went to Spur, where I enjoyed what would be my only meal for a few more hours! After Spur, Gersh said we should stop at the hospital, since it was on our way home, but I put on my brave face and we proceeded to head down the Main Road.

We needed some last minute things for Shelby's room from Mambo's, and so that's where we went, because I thought I was doing just fine. Well, they say you should walk in early labour, so I walked those crampy feelings away. But suddenly I was struggling to walk, the realisation set in that I was probably in labour. I had to stop and hold onto the shelf, because the contractions were so strong. I managed to get to Gersh, get to the till to buy our things and we left, with a bottle of water in tow. I gulped that bottle of water down. Again, Gersh wanted to drive to the hospital, since we were so close, but I was certain that I was fine.

The drive home humbled me, and when we were almost home I realised that this pain was not going away! I phoned the maternity ward as soon as we got home, we hopped back into the car and while texting our family WhatsApp groups we made our way to the hospital - Gersh taking the quickest possible route.

When we arrived, I was weighed, then set up in a room of my own with all the monitors attached to my belly. While lying there the contractions were coming on stronger and stronger. It wasn't long before my parents and father-in-law walked into the room as well (the hospital was amazing, as they allowed our families to be there for the early labour). I had some of the stronger contractions while they were there and I remember my mom telling the males in the room how painful it is, in a gentle manner, like she wanted them to understand. I thought that was just the sweetest. The nurse was in and out of our room, as Shelby's heart rate was dropping. She was texting my gynae who told her to check my cervix. Our family left at this point.

Upon checking my cervix my water broke in the nurse's hand. She was alarmed and exclaimed that I was only 2cm dilated, yet she could already feel Shelby's head as she checked me. She cleaned me up and gave me a clean linen saver. And went hurrying out of the room. A short while later she returned and asked if I would be okay with a c-section. This is not what I initially wanted, but I had prayed long and hard in the prior weeks and swiftly said yes, as I knew my doctor would only request that if it was absolutely necessary.

Gersh had to go downstairs to have me admitted, while he was gone Shelby's paed arrived first. She talked me through what was happening and what would happen during the c-section. Then a nursing sister arrived and asked me some important questions (the usual pre-op questions) and brought me a gown and hair net. The anesthetist arrived next, and explained from her perspective. During all of this I was having hectic contractions! My gynae arrived last, as he was out with his family in the Northern Suburbs (if I remember correctly), and as he was talking to me I had another terrible contraction. He waited it out and gently told me that I was making the right decision and it was best for Shelby as she was in fetal distress - her heart rate was dropping and there was meconium in my waters, which meant she had pooped in me. As he left to scrub in, they showed Gersh my new room (closer to the nurse's station), where he left our bags, then directed him to a room adjacent to the theatre where he changed into scrubs.

During this time I had received an epidural and spinal block. I was told horror stories about paralysis, but I had this amazing peace about it and an incredible nurse holding onto me as the anesthetist went about her job. She checked if I had numbed properly, and then I had to lie down. A screen was put up, and Gersh was now also in the room. However, he didn't know he could bring his phone inside, so our paed insisted that he run out and get it, so she could take some photos for us.

After that things seemed to go so quickly, and being in that theatre was so calm, as my very gentle gynae and midwife went about performing the c-section. He remained so calm throughout the operation and only told me later on that evening that Shelby had actually turned sideways, so normal birth would've been impossible. Soon I heard lots of crying and a little pink, screaming cutie was lifted over the screen! Shelby was born at 18:22, weighing 2.6kgs and both of her Agpar scores were 9/10. Daddy was asked to cut the cord, and after months of declaring that he would do no such thing, he mustered up the courage and cut his little girl's cord. Definitely one of his proudest moments!

The rest of the night was a blur of trying to master breastfeeding, getting used to be woken up every 2 hours (by the cutest little screams - not cute at the time) and getting her sugar levels tested with a finger prick under her tiny newborn foot every few hours. It was a lot! And all this, with an ice cold aircon blowing on us all night. But mommy and daddy were so ready to take on this new journey, and so our sweet journey began...

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